Reinforced concrete static projects are one of the most basic engineering studies that ensure that a structure is built safely, solidly and in accordance with regulations. These projects are prepared to predict how the load-bearing systems of the structures will behave and to eliminate possible risks.

  1. Provides Structural Safety

Thanks to the static project, the dimensions, placements and resistance capacities of the load-bearing elements such as columns, beams, floors and foundations in the structure are determined. This ensures that the building carries its weight and external factors safely.

  1. Resistance to Earthquakes and External Loads

In countries located in earthquake zones such as Turkey, the seismic resistance of structures is of great importance. Static projects are calculated in accordance with the Earthquake Regulation and ensure that the structure survives disasters such as earthquakes.

  1. Material and Cost Efficiency

A well-prepared reinforced concrete project ensures that the material is used correctly and in sufficient quantities. This both prevents waste of resources and optimizes construction costs.

  1. Legal Obligation and License Process

In order to obtain a building permit from the municipalities, it is mandatory to submit an approved reinforced concrete static project. Buildings built without a project or with inappropriate projects are considered illegal and may face serious sanctions.

  1. Ease of Application

Engineers and craftsmen working on the construction site construct the carrier system elements correctly by looking at the drawings and details of the reinforced concrete project. This reduces errors and speeds up the application process.